Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Life's a beach

Many perspectives exist to metaphorize Life.

Some people say life's a beach. People come and go in our lives like the waves which come and kiss the shore. Some waves play a pivotal role in removing the crude impurities on the beach and making the rocks as curvaceous and smooth as a soft pillow. These are the people that bring out the good human in us.

Some waves leave behind a mysteriously inconspicuous impact on the beach. Nothing's visible, but yet you wish that time would come to a standstill for eternity when those waves kiss the sand; you want them to never recede; cause you fear that if they did, these beach would become a desert. Those are the people we love

There are some waves that bring along with them beautiful gifts of shells and pearls that adorn our beach with necklaces of cherishing memories. They make our life beautiful and worth leaving. Those are our friends.

And, like in our life, there are both high tides and low-tides on the beach. Some waves deposit silt of happiness and oppurtunities, some drag them away into the infinity beyond.

The beauty of this beach is gauged by the waves that meet the beach and the inpact that they leave on it.

This beach shall always continue to hope that the waves that shall come by, shall make the beach as beautiful as the sound of their splash on its surface.

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