Tuesday, February 16, 2010

For the record...

For the record, the mention of 'Noetic Science' in Dan Brown's 'The Lost Symbol' is nothing but the 'Man: Parvagnya Gyan', the fourth level of knowledge (of the 5 levels) in the Jain Scriptures which were written countless ages ago. What is said in the book is true, human thoughts are indeed measurable, have mass and can affect physical reality. This knowledge was possessed by all the 24 Tirthankaras (they had acquired the 5th level as well) who walked the Earth, the last of whom was Lord Mahavir (2600 years ago). This knowledge could enable them to distinctly 'hear' the thoughts of the people around them and answer their queries even before the people asked.

The claims made in the book by 'scientist Katherine Solomn' such as 'the ice crystals in her lab changing shape according to her mood, people changing cancerous cells into healthy cells by merely thinking about them, faith healers healing people by transferring massive streams of energy through their fingertips into the patient's body, etc' are all true and very possible. Like the book says, the human mind indeed has godlike powers; it really is the golden capstone sitting atop the temple (the human body). It is just that we do not possess the knowledge of harnessing those powers, or in other words that knowledge got lost somewhere in the passage of time.

Time and again, it has been proved that the modern science is only too primitive. It has yet to catch up with the wisdom of the ancient forefathers. We are actually blinded by the 'materialistic fiber optic' vision of ours. We do not possess the eyes of wisdom and spirituality with the help of which our forefathers could see the impossible.

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