Sunday, July 15, 2007


There exists many a things in our universe which we are sub-consciously aware of; but yet are strangers to them. This universe is the one which lies within us; which is not conspicuous, rather it resides in our soul. Ironically, we engage ourselves in the maddening pursuit of understanding the world around us; not realising that unless we are able to understand the world within us, we will always remain incomplete. People think it would be very easy to understand one's own self; that its just a matter of looking through our past, recalling our actions, habits, needs and desires and deriving a dumb conclusion on their basis. Unfortunately, such a judgement of a person for himself only proves to be a mirage.

We need to extend our vision to truly understand ourselves; expand the horizons of our thinking beyond the materialistic measures of our world; be one with our spiritual self to know who we are. This is an arduous task. Its is not bound by the parameters of time. Some attain this enlightenment early in their life; some are never able to. But it is only when this knowledge dawns that our souls attain the true freedom that they deserve, breaking all the tangible bonds that separate us from salvation.

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